Teacher Executive Function Checklist
Put a check next to all that apply when it is a significant struggle for YOU. This should help you understand which executive functions are areas of strength and which are areas for concern.
How many checks represent a concern? There is no specific quantity of checks that represent a concern. To identify what supports to prioritize, consider how much of a problem is caused by each item.
ANALYSIS: Executive functions are deeply interrelated so interpret these results thoughtfully. For example, “Maintains a messy desk” is an item listed under Organization (Materials and Planning) but it might just as well be listed under Inhibition. After all, there are many reasons why a teacher does not have a tidy desk.
The Checklist was designed as a tool for helping teachers. It is a work-in-progress.
If you have questions or suggestions for additional examples, please email them to jeffrey.maccormack@uleth.ca.