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Executive function are important for new teachers

Learning to teach is not easy.

From a cognitive point of view, early teaching experiences tend to be difficult, in part, because novice teachers have not yet developed “automaticity and routinization for repetitive operations” (Berliner, 2004, p. 13) that are characteristic of effective teachers. It will take many years of practice until those skills become routine. In the meantime, skills like monitoring student behaviour while teaching a lesson can cause cognitive overload. â€‹

That's why novice teachers need to learn about their executive functioning. But also, we need all types of teachers in our classrooms because students arrive in our classrooms with diverse backgrounds and learning needs. After all, who could be better at explaining ADHD to a student than a teacher with ADHD? 



Berliner, D. C. (2004). Expert teachers: Their characteristics, development and accomplishments. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 24(3), 200-212.

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